목록Ebs (43)
nakka soft world !
0227 Many vacationer stay at beach side hotel. The room i got was cozy. breath taking. 숨막히는 the view of top of mountain is breath taking. : 산정상에서의 view는 숨막힌다. The hotel was worth money. You spilled coffee allover my shirt. You soaked black beans in water overnight. Sock something in something. Something 안에 something를 담가두다. Sock your shirt in some sparkling water. Let me buy a ticket for you. Let..
15년 2월 26일자 EBS Easy English입니다. the weather is perfect for picnic. : 여행가기 좋은 날씨다. do you mind if I join you? : 내가 같이하면 싫어? = 나도 같이 해도 돼? sorry, but he is not joining us today. : 안타깝지만, 그는 오늘 우리와 함께하지 않아. Suffer from... : ~을 겪다. I am suffering from insomnia. : 나는 불면증 겪고 있어. I am afraid he is suffering from depression. : 그가 우울증을 겪는게 걱정돼. Good morning. the weather is perfect for our picnic. It is~..
0225 The flight is canceled due to heavy snow. I guess due to all those coffees i drank. stick to. : 룰을 지키다. Why are you sticking to it? I see don't drinking any coffee before bed time. Is it easy to stick to ... - Dialogue. Honey. I am afraid you didn't sleep well last night. You right. I guess it was due to all those coffee I drunk. Why don't you stick to 2 cups rule? Whats that? One coffee in..