목록Ebs (43)
nakka soft world !
EBS Easy English - 150615 Take note by hand. I prefer taking note by hand. Can't you save time if ~ Can't you save time if you drive? mindlessly 아무생각없이 멍하니 I was watching it mindlessly. Why do you take notes by hand? I can focus better this way. Can't you save time if you type with a laptop? When you type, you're just mindlessly transcribing. How about when you take notes? I have to listen, summ..
EBS Easy English - 150610 go on one's first date. When did you go on your first date. try out. Are you ready for try out? excited for ~ I am so excited for you. out of curiosity. 혹시... I started dating a guy. Did you? What's he like? How long have you been together? oops. Slow down. give me a chance to answer. Ok. sorry. I am excited. We just went on our first date. I see. A first date is just t..
EBS Easy English - 150608 I put some ice on it for a while. blister 물집 Fix someone up with somebody. 소개시켜주다 who fixed you up wth your boy friend? desolve 자격이있다 you desolve it. free 한가한 When are you usually free? Do want me to fix you up with my friend? Oh, yes. is she pretty? She is a very nice person. she is warm hearted. Never mind You don't desolve a good girl. I was kidding. Sorry. Are you f..
EBS Easy English - 150605 Sth looks good on sbd 잘어울린다. does this white shirt look good on me? sweet 다정한 This is for you. Oh thank you what is it? A bracelet. I though it look good on you. You're so sweet. Try it id love to wear it Ok wait. Is it an anclelet? Do you mean an ancle bracelet?
EBS Easy English - 150603 You said you get ~ a lot 너 ~를 자주 생긴다고 했지?! you said you get stomachake a lot. Rhanits 비염 What can make ~ worse? 악화시키는게 무엇이죠?! what can make sympton worse? give a headache Bad smells give you headaches. You said you get headache a lot. yes why? Do you sometimes suffer from headaches? No but, my friend does. What can help her? She can try getting a massages or acupuncture..
EBS Easy English - 150528 Aren't you ~ ~하지 않아요?! Aren't you tired? Such a good mood I am In such a good mood today. Have a green thumg 화초를 잘가꾸다 My mother has a green thumb. How do you feel? Aren't you tired? Well I got some sleep. So, I am fine. Good. Wow look. There are flowers every where. Yes, They put me in such a good mood. Why don't you plant some flowers at your house? That's a good idea...
EBS Easy English - 150527 text : 문자보내다 I wll text you I think you need ~ I think you need a new phone. watch someone grow up. I love watching my kids grow up. Mom, I am home. Hi Mike. How was your day? Good. Did you text me mom? Yes. But why didn't you reply? I was worried(= Text me back) My teacher had my phone at school. So, I couldn't see it. I see. I think you need a new pair of pants. Yes, ..
EBS Easy English - 150522 where did I ~ ? Where did i loose it? take a picture of Can you take a picture of us, please? sth means more to someone. I think this ring may mean more to you. Where I was this photo taken? What are you looking at? Do you remember this polaroid? A photo? Let me see. Where did I take this picture? At your nephew's graduation. Right. You took a picture of me at Mike's gr..
EBS Easy English - 150520 ~ Is really crowded. 정말 붐 빈다 It's really crowded today. Squat down 쪼그려 앉다. You can squat down. Would you care for ~ would you care for some donuts. The airport is really crowded. Yes, I can't find an empty seat to sit in. Shall we squat down overthere? Well. I dont think tats a good idea. Then, Let's go to the coffeeshop so that we seat for a while. Ok, that sounds good..
EBS Easy English - 150920 Can you give me a have ~ing? can you give me a hand washing dishes? weigh 무게가나가다 How much does your dog weigh? Just let me know, if ~ Just let me know, if sth changes. Can you give me a hand carrying this box? Sure. where do you want to put it? On top of bookshelf. Ok. Ready 1 2 3. Oh no... Do you have it? But, this thing weighs too much. Yes, its pretty heavy. Just let..