목록분류 전체보기 (257)
nakka soft world !
EBS Easy English - 150520 ~ Is really crowded. 정말 붐 빈다 It's really crowded today. Squat down 쪼그려 앉다. You can squat down. Would you care for ~ would you care for some donuts. The airport is really crowded. Yes, I can't find an empty seat to sit in. Shall we squat down overthere? Well. I dont think tats a good idea. Then, Let's go to the coffeeshop so that we seat for a while. Ok, that sounds good..
EBS Easy English - 150920 Can you give me a have ~ing? can you give me a hand washing dishes? weigh 무게가나가다 How much does your dog weigh? Just let me know, if ~ Just let me know, if sth changes. Can you give me a hand carrying this box? Sure. where do you want to put it? On top of bookshelf. Ok. Ready 1 2 3. Oh no... Do you have it? But, this thing weighs too much. Yes, its pretty heavy. Just let..
EBS Easy English - 150519 Check the messages from ~ ~로부터 온 메세지 확인하다. Did you check the messages from Lina? Sign in = log in How can i sign in to your homepage? Be infacted by 감염되다 Can you please check the messages from our clients? Ok, I just turned on the computer. Did you sign in to the web site? I am trying to... But I can't sign in with my id. Are you sure they are correct? I am afraid my co..
EBS Easy English - 150518 I think I've never seen ~ = I don't think I've ever seen ~ I thinl I've never seen you sleepy. I don't think I ever seen you sleepy. I don't say anything when I am ~ 내가 _ 상황이되면 아무말을 못해. I don't say anything when I am shocked. Try to talk to ~ 이야기 하려고 시도하다 I tried to talk to make up with him. I think I've never seen you angry. Do you know what, I don't say anything when ..
마리텔 마이리틀텔레비전 백종원 백주부 스팸주먹밥 스팸 작은거 3등분을 구운뒤 살짝 식힘 스팸통에 랩을 살짝걸치고 스팸, 김, 밥을 쌓고 넣고 꾹꾹 눌러줌 밥은 당구공정도... 그대로 랩을 들러 올리면서 꺼내줌 꺼낸뒤 랩으로 말면 끝 크래미로도가능. 크래미를 잘게잘게 분쇄 소스는 고추장1 마요네즈3 비율로함
마리텔 마이리틀텔레비전 백종원 백주부 옥수수 부침개 국물버린 옥수수 캔 1 + 튀김가루 반컵 + 물 1/3 컵 후라이팬에 식용유 두른 뒤 부침개처럼 구우면 끝 설탕이나 연유를 다량으로 뿌려 먹으면 됨
마리텔 마이리틀텔레비전 백종원 백주부 다함께 아이스크림 녹은 투게더 종이컵2컵+ (계란 2 + 설탕 2) + 식빵 2 자른거 를 전자렌지에 5분 돌림
마리텔 마이리틀텔레비전 백종원 백주부 라면 삼양라면 면과 건더기스프 파를 끓는물에 넣어 삶는다. 삶으면 건져서 식용유 두스푼을 넣고, 스프반만 넣고 비비면 끝
명 댓글이 달려 있는 Stack Overflow. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1538755/how-to-convert-string-object-to-boolean-object
EBS Easy English - 150430 We can put sth in Where We can put your stuff in the locker. You can get sth to go. You can get fried chicken to go. I'd like to sth to go. I'd like to glass of coffee to go. Excuse me. But can I get some coffee to go? Yes. We can put your coffee in this plastic bag. Coffee in a plastic bag. Doesn't it melt? No. You can get rice noodles to go in this plastic bag. Really..