English/Easy English
EBS Easy English - 150318
2015. 3. 18. 07:36
EBS Easy English - 150318
In person 직접
baby's breath 안개꽃
Is it a good idea to~ ~가 괜찮을까요? 좋을까요?
Is it a good idea to skip dinner?
On my way home 집에가는길 집에오는길 = on the way home
i saw a rainnbow on my way home.
pick out 고르다
please pick out what you want.
Mom. Have you ever sent flowers to anyone before?
Of course.
Is it a good idea to oder them online?
Well. Yes, but you can also go to flowerist.
I saw a flower shop on my way home.
You can pick out some fresh flowers in person.
Ok. I am going to buy some baby's breath and roses.
In person 직접
baby's breath 안개꽃
Is it a good idea to~ ~가 괜찮을까요? 좋을까요?
Is it a good idea to skip dinner?
On my way home 집에가는길 집에오는길 = on the way home
i saw a rainnbow on my way home.
pick out 고르다
please pick out what you want.
Mom. Have you ever sent flowers to anyone before?
Of course.
Is it a good idea to oder them online?
Well. Yes, but you can also go to flowerist.
I saw a flower shop on my way home.
You can pick out some fresh flowers in person.
Ok. I am going to buy some baby's breath and roses.